Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Loss. What a bummer.

I really just feel the need to write right now. This is waaay overdue and considering I'm doing this way past my bedtime I really hope it makes some sense. New Year's resolution is going to be to write on here more. Cause I never really get around to it and I always have to unload everything and bore whoever comes to read it.

So, one new thing that has happened is that my good friend from work, Erisha, lost her husband recently. Christmas Eve in fact. I hate it for her cause I know how hard it is... I hated having to go to the funeral home to see all the grieving people and the casket... I haven't really liked it since Andrew died... But Erisha is one of the best people I know. Beautiful inside and out so I did it. I'm proud of myself. I just wish I knew what to say to her. But I didn't. Cause I know there's not really anything you can say. Nothing that can truly comfort what you've lost. And everyone that keeps just coming up to you and hugging you just makes you cry 10 times more... All I know is, that you spend a loooong time crying... Then one day you wake up, and those tears turn to smiles. You realize that you're not crying cause they're gone. And you're not smiling cause you're crazy... (at least not completely), But instead you're smiling because they were there. Because they were in you life and gave you memories worth smiling about. And because that's what they would want. I know that Rob was Erisha's husband for what longer then Andrew was my boyfriend. So I can't imagine how this must be for her. But she's also a much stronger person then I was. I just hope it won't be too long before those tears turn into smiles. Because I really can't remember seeing her without one on her face.

Anyway, it's getting late and I have work tomorrow. I'll try to get back on tomorrow and catch whoever cares back up on my life and random thoughts. It really feels good to get this stuff out even if no one is reading it. =P

"Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for awhile." - The Princess Bride