Monday, February 21, 2011

So quiet; Another wasted night; The television steals the conversation.

Ok, so I haven't wrote on here in a while mainly because I feel like I don't have the freedom I used to have with it and I can't say all the things I need/want to. But whatever... I miss it. I'll have to open up a journal to get my real feelings out. I'm going to start off this post with a little bit of a ramble, and then a rant. If you want to go ahead and skip the ramble, I understand. I'm sure the rant will be far more interesting.

So I still feel like I'm stuck in a rut. I feel restless... I feel like a wild stallion that someone is trying to tame and just isn't ready to be. Idk. Maybe I just haven't found the right tamer... Is that the right term? I don't even care. Point is I'm questioning all my decisions. I'm playing how things would've went if I made different decisions. I wish I could just not think sometimes. But my brain is constantly going sadly. I feel like things are stuck. And if I was totally content with how things were right now, that'd be fine. But... I don't know that I am. But I'm really trying to be. Really trying cause that seems like the easiest laziest, least painful solution for everyone.

I'm so restless I'm even getting a temper and just enjoy arguing with whoever. So I find reasons to rant and things to defend like fucking Justin Bieber of all things and Bonnaroo. I really couldn't give that big of a shit but it's a way to get some sort of frustration out.

Annnywaaaay. On to the rant. Todays topic; Work.

Some people who come to my place of employment are so friggin stupid. Oh My God. Let me just show you an example.

Customer: "I called in a prescription earlier for 'their name'."
Me: "Okay, let me check!"
*checks, there isn't anything filled and I can't see anything due because they don't take their meds like they should.*
Me: "Doesn't look like we have anything filled for you, do you know what the medicine was you need?"
Customer: "No, but I called it in."
My thoughts: "You don't know what the medicine is... but yet you called it in.... hmm...
Me: "Ok, well do you know what it was for?"
Customer: "No, but it's a little white pill."
My thoughts: ".... Seriously? How the hell am I supposed to help you if you don't know what kinda medicine you take or even what it's for and you just described 1/3 of the pills in this place???!"

I deal with that bullshit all the time. And sometimes it's even worse! I mean they're dumb! And then there's like a couple of people who take 20 Rx's. No joke. No lie. 20+. How the fuck do you keep up with all those? I mean you have to spend your whole day taking damn medicine. Seriously. That's ridiculous. I'd rather just die. Grrrr sometimes I just want to hit people. And that example is tame compared to the stupidity and rudeness I usually get.

Ugggh. But I'm done with all this rambling and ranting.

"Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, that that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous." -- Sex and the City

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bored to tears.

Life... is being taken over by snow. I'm tired of it. I want summer. I want my cute tank tops, my sexy dresses, my nice heels, my bikinis and my shorts. I love my boots and my skinny jeans but I am sooo tired of them right now. All I do is stay at home. I don't have much incentive to get ready and get pretty and get dressed up. I want reasons to get dressed up! At least a little bit.

Not even any real good movies are coming out. I mean there's some I wouldn't mind seeing. But I really can't wait for all the summer blockbusters coming. Aaaah so excited! Instead I've been staying in and watching movies. It's Kind of A Funny Story was a great movie. It really surprised me. It was insightful, funny, cute, entertaining and deep. And kinda beautiful and a little weird. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was probably just what I needed at the time.

All this doing nothing is really starting to make me lazy. I really can't wait til it gets a little warmer so I can start running. Get in shape so I actually look good in all those clothes. =P I really want a tan also. I've already got the blonde hair, I'm really trying to get the rest of my looks back too. Ugh, this blog is boring, why are you still reading this? Sorry I'm just really bored and don't have much to say lately. Lacking inspiration I guess. Someone! Inspire me! Until next time, later.
The lyric for this blog has nothing to do with this blog as much as it has to do with probably every other blog and what kinda person I am; but I just loooove it and relate with it so much and looove the person who said it.

"The best lyrics are the ones that give you goosebumps or make you cry in public or help you realize the answers." -- Katy Perry(: