Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bored to tears.

Life... is being taken over by snow. I'm tired of it. I want summer. I want my cute tank tops, my sexy dresses, my nice heels, my bikinis and my shorts. I love my boots and my skinny jeans but I am sooo tired of them right now. All I do is stay at home. I don't have much incentive to get ready and get pretty and get dressed up. I want reasons to get dressed up! At least a little bit.

Not even any real good movies are coming out. I mean there's some I wouldn't mind seeing. But I really can't wait for all the summer blockbusters coming. Aaaah so excited! Instead I've been staying in and watching movies. It's Kind of A Funny Story was a great movie. It really surprised me. It was insightful, funny, cute, entertaining and deep. And kinda beautiful and a little weird. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was probably just what I needed at the time.

All this doing nothing is really starting to make me lazy. I really can't wait til it gets a little warmer so I can start running. Get in shape so I actually look good in all those clothes. =P I really want a tan also. I've already got the blonde hair, I'm really trying to get the rest of my looks back too. Ugh, this blog is boring, why are you still reading this? Sorry I'm just really bored and don't have much to say lately. Lacking inspiration I guess. Someone! Inspire me! Until next time, later.
The lyric for this blog has nothing to do with this blog as much as it has to do with probably every other blog and what kinda person I am; but I just loooove it and relate with it so much and looove the person who said it.

"The best lyrics are the ones that give you goosebumps or make you cry in public or help you realize the answers." -- Katy Perry(: