Sunday, June 26, 2011


After having a conversation with my brother the other night, I honestly don't know how I turned out the way I did... I view the world in a completely different way than my parents and differently then anyone I know of in my family. Except for probably my brother. And the thing is, I've always looked at the same way even as a child...

My family is religious, they're Christians and what not. Always have been. We didn't go to church every Sunday but they did try and teach me about God and everything. But even as a kid, I thought that there were way to many religions in the world for only one of them to be right... That it all just kind of sounded like bullshit. Not that I didn't believe in God as a kid, I just didn't think that you could put all your faith in one single religion. There is no way that everyone else who didn't believe a certain way was going to hell. I felt this way even as a small child. I remember actually trying to express this to my parents once upon time and it's like they just didn't even want to listen. So it's not really like I've tried since.
And my dad is like a super conservative republican and I am really just sick of politics. Politics suck. They're kind of disgusting. I didn't use my right to vote for a president because I didn't really see the point unless someone was running who I felt could actually make a good difference. Plus, I just don't like getting into all of that.

In a family full of such close-minded people, how did I turn out so open-minded? And how the fuck did I end up working at a pharmacy under some very close-minded Nazis? With some very close-minded people. Not all of them, but quite a few. I just don't get why people have to hate on certain races, and religions, and lifestyles. It's just so dumb to me. You can hate and complain about it all you want but it's not going to change anything. And you can take away the right for gay marriage, but it's not going to stop them from being together. In the end, people are going to do what they really want to. So you might as well just roll with it.

I'm just really glad that somehow I managed to turn out differently.

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius, and a lot of courage, to move in the opposite direction."-- Albert Einstein