Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I'm realizing more and more each day how much I truly hate people. And by people, I mean hypocrites, liars, cheaters, whores, bitches, and ones that are beyond cocky. Really, the whole world and especially my life, would be a whole lot better and peaceful and spectacularly wonderful without them. I also hate it when people talk about people behind their backs and act like that hate them, but then suck up and act like they love them to their face. Just make up your damn mind and grow a pair already.

Enough ranting about that. I'm sure more of that will come at later times when I get aggravated and bottle stuff up for too long again. I would love to write more, especially stuff more worth reading, but I really must get off here now and do some homework before going to bed. I promise to be back tomorrow, or later on today now, with more to say and hopefully less irritated and more happy-go-lucky and cheerful.

Until then, good night cyberworld =)