Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lies are lies in everybody's eyes and I don't believe you.

So today was a pretty decent day all in all. Class was fun. As it always is on Thursday because I just love my teacher and Lindsey is in there so pretty much it's just non-stop laughter. I came to some realizations today. The first being that I absolutely in no way want to ever birth a child. Nopenopenope. If I ever decide I want a kid, I'm going to either have to adopt or get a surrogate mother.

I came upon this realization when listening to some people talk very descriptively about their experiences having children. It's not for me. I can't do big giant needles, IVs, or pain. So no thanks :) It was all very graphic and I do not want to put you through the dirty details so I'm just stopping here.

I also had something amazing today. Monster Import. It's got an open/close top which I just find fascinating. It also tastes spectacular. It's like my mouth orgasmed. No joke. The can said that it would still get me off as good as the original and I think it did more so.

I went shopping a bit at JC Penney's that is what happens when you let Melissa out of class early, she shops. Mainly because they have their buy one get one for $1. And I need pants. Which are hard to find for me because I'm short and stuff so I have to get short sizes. I think I'm really getting into the whole skinny jean fad. At first... I was like no. For one reason, I figured they'd all be so long that it would be retarded to even try. For another reason, I figured since I'm short, they'd just make me look shorter and fat. BUT, I tried on a few pair, which were in short sizes, and realized that they actually slim me down and make my butt look absolutely fabulous if I do say so myself. So SCORE!

All in all, today was a pretty good day. I got to see my boyfriend which is always a plus. He makes me smile so much. It's impossible to be mad at him which is actually a bit annoying. lol. When I'm with him everything is perfect. And we're pretty comfortable around each other too so that's a plus. Not getting to see him for two days will be a drag however.

Another good thing about today is that I didn't have anything aggravate me. Other then the thoughts that kept popping into my head. I swear, sometimes I wish I could just stop myself from thinking. That would be wonderful. I would be a lot happier with life if I could just stop it every now and then. It's either that or just rid the world of people or silly things like my emotions. Maybe not get rid of my emotions, just tune a couple of them down a bit.

Well that's all for now. It's all pretty random. Hopefully I can come back tomorrow with something a little more worthwhile.