Monday, May 16, 2011

New Slang

Ok, so just to warn you, this blog post is going to be ridiculously super random. It's going to be filled with all the random thoughts going through my head because I just really need them to go someplace else.

First random thought, my hair feels stupid soft today. I just keep wanting to touch it and run my fingers through it and I'm starting to feel a bit like a weirdo... But it really does feel awesome.

I'm in a random good mood today. I think maybe it's because I have hope? Which sucks. Because that's how you get disappointed... But I'm me and it's just what I do. I see light at the end of the tunnel. I know that I'm going to be uncontrollably happy one day and "someone will find me and kiss my skin until I can feel it blister with the heat" (gotta love Max Bemis). It may not be right now, it may not even be that soon... But I have to believe or else what's the point in all of this?

I really am dying for the sun to come out. It's making me restless. I want to go on an adventure and I want to finally find someone who is adventurous as I am and not a party-pooper. I want to go to the beach, I want to go to the zoo, I want to just walk around a beautiful park, and I want to lay under the stars and hear the grasshoppers and smell the grass and just take everything in... I want a great epic summer. I want to let loose and take chances, no regrets.

I'm a bit excited for the week even though it has the potential to not be as eventful as one could hope... the weather is making people sick. Lame. But It's Amanda's birthday and I'm very excited to go out celebrating tomorrow and hopefully this weekend for it. I need to see her face again and my friend Sam's. We always have fun and so it's what I need.

I really want to get stuff and supplies to start painting... I'm very good at imitating stuff on pumpkins so I'd really like to just paint something for me and original by me. I'm excited for that. Now all I need is good inspiration...

But, that's all for now. I may come back and add more later tonight. Who knows? Right now though, it's movie time.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein